Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We were hit with another big rain today and so I headed to the gym to do my weights and cardio. I used the same exercises I used last week and then went upstairs to do 15 minutes on the bike. I finished and was going to go home but it was pouring out so got on the treadmill and did 2.50 miles.


Sarah Kathryn said...

Those are the BEST costumes EVER! Do you still have them?!

Nice workout - you are always so consistent and dedicated...

Cindy said...

I gave them to the girls. Katy got the gorilla head, Christy the frog, Jenny a lion head and Amy a panda head. I made the heads and also the clown . That was before I ever worked out so had plenty of time to sew!

Amy said...

Ha ha - great picture!