Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Oh I didn't have the luck of the Irish today, it was boot camp. I wore my shoes with the green in them to keep with the holiday. There were just two of us and we started out with cardio. I was on the elliptical for 15 minutes.
Next lunges with 10lb wt and then 10 push ups with the Bosu, 3 sets of each.
We also tried jack knife planks.
Bench triceps 20 reps and hamstring curls 10 reps, 3 sets of each.
Finish up with 100 sit-ups.
I dragged myself to the car and wondered as I pulled away, what would Friday bring as I am the only one who will be there.


Amy said...

Happy St Paddys day to you to (no luck here either)!

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

Well at least on Friday you will have undivided attention!

We had no Irish luck here either.