Monday, April 5, 2010


I thought things couldn't get any harder at boot camp, they did.

There were four of us today, three women and one guy. We were outside in the parking lot and she was setting up some new things. " Ready" she called. Wait, I have never done that one with the ropes on it before.
We were to pull the metal sled that held 45 pounds (the guy had heavier weights to pull) down the length of the parking lot and then turn and with our backs to the start pull it back the length of the parking lot.

Here is what we did today.

Sled pulls
push ups 20 reps
crunches 20 reps
lunges with weights 20 reps
repeat for a total of four times.

The thing I like about boot camp is that there is always something new to do. No time to get bored with the same old thing. I also like working in a group and getting to be out side. Yes, sometimes what we're doing seems hard but it is also a challenge. Can't wait till Wednesday!

Oh, I forgot to mention that there were no wheels on our sled. It was a flat piece of metal that we dragged across the parking lot.

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