Saturday, May 29, 2010


I decided to go for a run this morning instead of doing a yoga class. I thought leaving at 8 would still be cool enough but guess again, I was wrong. I headed up towards the park where I could get a drink of water and then continued on the trails. Usually I take water with me but for some reason I decided I didn't need to, wrong again. I reached the second fountain on the trail and not only drank but also put water on my arms and face. On I continued and it seemed to just get warmer, now I was walking the hills. I knew there was one more fountain before home so headed towards it for my last drink. Total miles for the morning 5.25


Amy said...

Bah - hate that hot weather! At least I won't have to worry about THAT today...

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

I don't like the cold weather as much as you don't like the hot! Sorry it is so hot there!

Great job on the mileage!